Scharr’s Red


Scharr’s Red


SKU: 10206 Category:

This cultivar produces nice bunches of deep, blood red, 3″ blooms. Flowers have a mild, sweet fragrance. It’s coloration of flowers and, the lovely purplish-red color of the leaves is similar to Duvauchelle, another lovely red. However, Scharr’s Red is not quite as slender branched and wiry as Duvauchelle and has a more sturdy growth habit. Medium growth habit. This is a seedling of BBB, which we gifted to our friends, the Scharr family. At that time, we had never seen it bloom.  A few years later, they offered us a rooted plant of it back and, it is happily growing in our nursery 0to this day. Rooted Plants–not grafted, 13″ – 16″ tall from the soil line.

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